Friday, March 21, 2014

Back on the road to Tucuman

It was nice having a five night break in our road trip to Cafayate here in Cordoba, but it's time to hit the road again. We'll be taking off early on Sunday morning to head for Tucuman, where we'll spend the afternoon and night before finishing our trek of the first leg of our road trip to Cafayate, where we'll be staying for a week. Sunday's drive will be the longest driving day of our trip so far (about 7 hours). Normally 7 hours is a short day for me in a car, but with three small kids packed in tight things can go south quickly, which we don't need since we're hearing north.

Here are some pictures of our last night in Cordoba, a few shots along the road to Tucuman, and a few from this afternoon and evening.

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