Thursday, March 13, 2014

We're here!

We're beginning our third full day here; just finishing up breakfast- at 11:30 a.m... Alessandra and Anthony got to sleep just before 11:00 p.m. (we think), and woke up around 10:00. Which is when Erika and I got up (although Erika was up several times during the night with Gianluca, who's teething).

Living in the middle of a city with 3 million people is a bit different than our sleepy San Carlos lifestyle, but so far so good. It's been hard finding time for blog updates, and we haven't had much time for picture taking, but we'll get it going pretty soon. We just wanted to do a quick entry to let you all know that we're here, we're in the process of getting adapted, and we're doing just fine.

He're are a few pictures from along the way so far. More to follow!

Alessandra and Anthony in the airport in Miami at around 5:45 a.m. after they slept for a couple of hours on the flight from SFO. They fell back asleep in a booth in a restaurant where we had breakfast about 2 hours later. It was heartbreaking having to wake them up and telling them that we had to go get on another plane.

Anthony claimed the only pack n' play so we had to improvise. This will be Gianluca's sleeping quarters for the foreseeable future.

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