Friday, April 4, 2014

And then we had a rough week!

It doesn't matter how good you think things are going to be, if your three small kids are unhappy- it will be impossible to be happy!

That pretty much summarizes our week. There was nothing wrong in particular, but I think the culmination of too many new things (good and bad), unsettled schedules, diet, and the overall stress of  being out of our usual environment finally caught up to us- and bit us hard. Alessandra was overstimulated, and in turn behaving badly (as is usual when she gets over excited); Anthony was just plain grumpy; and although Gianluca was relatively happy most of the time (as usual) there was something bothering him, which caused him to suddenly erupt into tears several times a day, and not sleep well at night (which makes things really rough on Erika, and everyone when he cries).

Anyway, we're hoping the worst times are behind us. I actually started writing this post yesterday morning, and we ended up having a pretty good day yesterday. Gianluca also made it through the night only waking up once, and no crying.

The highlight of our day yesterday was Alessandra swimming half way across (actually maybe a little more) a regular size swimming pool. She's started taking her floaties off last week and swimming short distances, but we were really impressed when she took off from the end of the pool and swam all the way to me in the middle. The day before I had commented that a little girl named Willow, who's almost four and that we've seen at the pool a couple of times, was a really good swimmer. Well, that evidently sparked Alessandra's competitive spirit; I'm sure the comment was stirring around in her little head all night as she prepared for her big swim the next day to show Daddy who the best little swimmer is.

Well, we don't have pictures of the difficult times, but here are a few shots from this week.

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