Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Not looking forward to our trip back to BA....

I can't believe we're not looking forward to going back to Buenos Aires, but we're not, for a few reasons. The main reason is probably just the trip back. Aside from a few slight variations the road we came up on will be the road we return on. And although it was fun to see the country coming up, we don't need to see it again. If there were any way for us to return our rental car up here we'd be flying back- without a doubt. Our small car is half the problem, but long road trips with three small kids are just not a good idea- period! Oh well- lesson learned.

The other reason is that we've settled into a pretty comfortable routine here in Cafayate, and the amenities we have here are hard to beat. It's not perfect by any means, but this is the first time we've been in one place for over two weeks since we arrived in Argentina, and that's a huge deal. We've learned that moving around with the kids is just plain difficult. They need a routine, and when we get away from one for more than a day or two it weighs down on every one of us- sometimes heavily. The last few days have been particularly difficult for me because of the break in the routine that our Salta trip produced, not to mention the mild case of dysentery Alessandra, Anthony, and I picked up somewhere out there.

Anyway, enough complaining, hopefully something will happen on our trip back to make it all worth while. And then, when we get back to BA, we'll just have to apply what we've learned so far to make our lives as comfortable as possible so we're able to enjoy the rest of our time here. The main thing will be getting the kids back in school as quickly as possible. It's amazing what a huge difference that makes for all of us. We need the break to get our daily chores done and breathe a little while juggling Gianluca, and the kids thoroughly enjoy being in school. I hope we can find something this good in BA. Anthony is extremely happy after his first week in school, and although Alessandra has always been pretty happy in school, she seems extra happy here, which of course makes us all happy.

Overall- so far so good! We knew that this wasn't going to be easy coming in, but the experiences we're having, and the connections we're making here, make the rough times all well worthwhile.

Our friend's house with a TV. We haven't had one for over two weeks, and we hardly miss it. The kids might judging from the picture.

Siesta time

Getting ready for a hot tub before bed.

Alessandra's olive tree

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