Monday, May 19, 2014

Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh,My!

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.

This trip abroad is supposed to be an adventure, right? Tony and I have seen much of Buenos Aires on our two previous trips.  Ah (sigh) the buildings in Recoleta are still breathtaking, but with three kids, ther are only so many buildings we can admire before they start asking us where is the nearest park.  

On the top 10 things to do in Buenos Aires with kids, it mentioned a nice day trip to the Lujan Zoo.  This sounded pretty appealing to us as we have never been to Lujan (about 30 miles outside of Buenos Aires) and the kids love the zoo.  

The kids had a day off from school so off we went.  The adventure started off by taking an 1 1/2 hour bus ride.

This is the bus stop at Plaza Italia.

Thankfully, we had the back of the bus all to ourselves for much of the trip.

Luckily, the girl told us our stop or we would have missed it.

Did I forget to mention that Lujan Zoo has been called the world's most dangerous zoo?  Alessandra was pretty excited to pet the baby tiger.

So was Anthony.  I was nervous.

Of course, Alessandra wanted to pet the lion cub too.

Having no fear, Alessandra petted the python.

And now we are feeding the animals.  They loved feeding the camel carrots.
Feeding the tropical birds.

And of course, feeding the bears.  Here's a little video of it.

Alessandra, Anthony and I got pictures holding an iguana, tropical bird, and Python.  I purchased a cd with the images, but my computer died.   I will post them when I am back in CA.   

Right before leaving, I decided that I should take a picture with a big cat.  When was I going to have this opportunity again?  I noticed that the line to the beautiful white tiger was short, so I told Tony that I was going in.  Alessandra got upset because she was too small to enter (they do have safety standards here (ha ha) have to be 16 years old to enter).  I gave her a kid's Clif Bar and she felt a little better.  

I got in line and a worker told me to come back in 30 minutes.  He said that they were going to feed the tigers now.  I tried to play dumb and not understand what he meant and stood in line.  There were people still ahead of me going in.  Then, the tigers started to roar and play with each other.  Yup, I got out of line really quickly.  Did not need to be in there with them.  

No, I didn't have my picture taken with a big cat and I am OK with it.  It was late in the day, the kids missed there nap and we had a long bus ride home plus I did not want to be their snack food.

Random pictures of Lujan Zoo

As luck was on our side, the bus came quickly and we all got seats.   The kids were able to take small naps and traffic back to Buenos Aires wasn't bad.   With the new found energy, we decided to take advantage of being out and about.  Of course, our first stop was a park near Congreso.

Making our way to the Casa Rosada aka The Pink House (similar to our White House), we stopped off for a quick dinner where Gianluca passed out.

We made it to the Casa Rosada with a beautiful full moon in the sky.  Alessandra lit up when she saw the pink house.

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