Thursday, May 15, 2014

The third child

After getting over the shock of being pregnant again (about week 23), I called my little one "the Bonus Baby".   Tony and I have been blessed with one girl and one boy, this baby was quite simply a special bonus.

Similar to what I have heard, Gianluca is a typical third child.   Alessandra was put on a schedule right away.   We stuck with the schedule very closely.  Heaven forbid if she took a late nap.  Tony's and my life revolved around it.  We were rewarded with her very good sleeping habits.  Anthony came along and we tried our best to stick with a schedule, but things slipped just a little.  

Gianluca has a schedule. It just isn't set by time.   It is set by whatever activities his older siblings have.  He doesn't know differently.  Rather than taking him straight home from the hospital, we stopped off at the race track so Alessandra and Anthony could ride their Striders.  Not more than 10 days old, he was off on a family road trip to Reno (again for Strider racing) and South Lake Tahoe.  

Gianluca has worn only a handful of new clothes, plays with Alessandra's old baby toys (yes, some are pink), and cries a little longer before getting picked up. I have been trying to keep up with a baby album.  When he was younger and didn't talk much, I would get distracted with Alessandra and Anthony and forget that he was even there.  He was content just hanging out.

The poor third child.

But he is pretty darn smart.   As the third child, he put this whole trip in motion.   Huh, you say?  We would have not sold our home (our place was too small) and I would still be working part time if he hadn't come along. 

But now he is getting attention- and lots of it!

From the moment Tony started taking Gianluca on walks with the baby Bjorn, people would stop Tony to say hello to Gianluca.  In Cafayate, a very sweet older couple "Los Abuelos" would play with Gianluca at breakfast, which was a lifesaver, as Tony and I were able to eat a little.  His abuelos would affectionately call him "Gordito".  Gianluca would squeal with delight.

On several occasions, Tony would mention that people would comment on how happy and cute Gianluca is.   I didn't believe it.  Yes, he is cute and sweet and yummy, but he is also my son.  Then, I took him to  the store a couple of times.  Sure enough, people would ask me if he was my son and comment on how cute he is.  

I guess Tony was right.  I am thankful that Gianluca is getting all the attention that he deserves.  It is truly a blessing to have such a happy smiling little "Gordo".

Gianluca is all smiles when he is with Daddy

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